There are so many variations of this recipe please email me or inbox me for your inquiries specific to you.
In general when making meatballs you start with ground beef or a mixture of ground pork, ground veal, ground beef and depending on the amount of, pounds in weight of ground meat you are using will vary the recipe.
The main ingredients aare egg, and breadcrumbs and these two ingredients vary depending on the amount of ground meat in pounds you are using and how dry or moist you like your meatballs. Other ingredients will be for taste: salt, pepper, cheese if you like cheese in your meatballs, parsley, oregano and whichever other spices you choose.
As you can see in the bread for the meatball sandwich I prepared I put the cheese first and then the meat balls and the sauce which are hot and will melt the cheese.
Again email me in the comment section and I will help you put together a recipe specific to you.